Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Back to Life, Back to Reality....

I've been back in Iraq for just less then a week now. My trip to Nepal was everything you can hope a trip to Nepal would be. Amazing people, amazing scenery, rugged conditions, smelly, eye opening, FUN, relaxing, thought provoking, inspiring, and on and on. Given the fact that the electricity in most places I stayed consisted of a car battery tucked away in the kitchen somewhere I wasn’t able to update my blog as I travelled.

I've been looking through my journal, trying to piece together some things that make sense but at the moment I’m slammed up against the wall of compartmentalization. I definitely learned a lot while I was there, gained a very interesting perspective on the big mountain guiding industry and felt completely affirmed about my decisions for the future. I will eventually find the words and the perspective and hopefully post something worth reading. Honestly though, we are so busy here at times that its all I can do to make it though each day. So for now, its just back to life, back to reality…..

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